UPDATE: Moving Forward for LGBTQ2S Canadians: A pre-election statement

“Moving Forward for LGBTQ2 Canadians: a pre-election statement” was released publicly yesterday. Feel free to share the statement on your organization’s social media feeds, if you use them. You can tweet using the hashtag #ProudVote, #VoterFierement and #elxn43


We have posted the statement (in English and French) here: http://www.dignityinitiative.ca/wp-content/uploads/PTV_Statement.pdf Congratulations everyone! This is the first time in Canadian history that so many organizations (216!!!) have come together with such a statement in support of LGBTQ2 issues.


Also, this article about the statement and town halls has been posted on Huffington Post Canada. Feel free to share: https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/lgbtq-election-town-hall-debate_ca_5d92a7b5e4b0e9e76051b4de?ncid=other_facebook_eucluwzme5k&utm_campaign=share_facebook&fbclid=IwAR3jSlgdsKtojWc_tbo7F5aceu9OBMbVUADYhGLQX1MG65sur9_2q06O58c


And if you would like to share info on the LGBTQ2 town halls happening in Vancouver, Montreal, Edmonton, Toronto and Ottawa, please see here: https://www.dailyxtra.com/proud-to-vote-debate-series-162408